Forget me not 2.0
July 6, 2022
September 15, 2023Project Information
- Title: PA4AGE
- Duration: January 2022 - December 2024
- Funding: Erasmus+
- Website: Loading...

Project Description
The project PA4AGE is about raising awareness on the benefits of physical activity, explaining methods for overcoming barriers and negative attitudes about physical activity, and increase physical activity behaviours among community members.
- Promotion of physical activity, aiming to change older people’s mindset, by encouraging their participation to physical activity at any form and intensity, and under any physical condition, for improving their quality of life in physical, mental and social terms.
- The project’s specific objective is the education and training of adults from various professional profiles, having relation to promotion of active ageing or social and health care of older people, to act as promoters of physical activity to older people population, of:
1. Direct target group:
Adults from various professional profiles around the promotion of active ageing for older people as it is:
- Physical educators working in gyms, active ageing organizations, physical activity clubs
- Social and health care related professionals (clinicians, social workers, physiotherapists, nurses)
- Physical activity, culture organization members
- Tourism and recreational organizations and facilities – Adult and VET providers
2. Indirect target group:
People in third age and their caregivers (irrelevantly of their health status and level of autonomy) that need to know more about including physical activity, in their daily routine, or need a motivation to abandon their passive or sedentary lifestyles.
The consortium of the project consists of the following partners:
Westfälische Wilhelms University Münster (WWU)
PiKei New Technologies (PIKEI)
Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Anziani (ISRAA)
European Group for Research and Physical Activity (EGREPA)
Corporation for Succour and Care of Elderly and Disabled (FRODIZO)