September 15, 2023Project Information
- Title: DEMcare4all
- Duration: Septemper 2022 - August 2024
- Funding: Erasmus+
- Website: DEMcare4all

Promoting intergenerational activities to support family caregivers of people with dementia.
DEMcare4all is a project which with its activities and results, aims to provide safe, effective, and comfortable care and to improve the lives of people with dementia, of the family caregivers.
Our objectives are:
- RAISE AWARENESS about dementia among family caregivers as well as people with dementia at an early stage.
- EDUCATE AND FAMILIARIZE children and young people who live in the same house with people with dementia.
- SUPPORT family caregivers who are responsible for caring for both demented people and children.
- CREATE AND PROMOTE opportunities among all citizens and generations.
Our aim is:
The abovementioned issues consist of the motivation for designing the project titled “Promoting intergenerational activities to support family caregivers of people with dementia” DEMcare4all. The project will develop proper training and educational materials and resources, which will support family caregivers, children and young people aged 6-17 and the demented persons themselves.
The consortium of the project consists of the following partners: