November 9, 2021
June 30, 2022Project Information
- Title:EARLYDEM -Training of caregivers on early identification and diagnosis support of dementia
- Duration: October 2019- March 2022
- Funding:Erasmus+ KA2-Exchange good practices
- Website: EARLYDEM

The main objective of the EARLY-DEM project is to develop an open interactive e-learning platform on early identification of mild cognitive impairment and dementia and to support the training of formal and informal caregivers of older people. The project is funded within the European Erasmus+ program and its consortium consists of:
Coordinator: University of Lund (Sweden)
. The city of Trelleborg (Sweden)
. Tech4care (Italy)
. ISRAA (Italy)
. Frodizo (Greece)
. Alzheimer Athens (Greece)
. Interactive 4D (France)