Care for Memory at Home
June 1, 2020Project Information
- Title: : Advocacy for Multiple Sclerosis in Western Greece
- Duration: October 2014-April 2016
- Funded by: : EEA Grands (managed by Bodosaki Foundation)
- Website: eeaskp.gr

Frodizo Association has accomplished the project "Advocacy for Multiple Sclerosis in Western Greece", in collaboration with the Hellenic Association for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis in Western Greece. The project was accomplished within the framework of the "We Are All Citizens" program funded by the EEA Grand and managed by the Bodosaki Foundation. Main service of the project was the operation of the Advocacy Office for People with Multiple Sclerosis, by recording the needs of patients with sclerosis and the creation of appropriate information for those patients such as (leaflets, posters, etc.).Most of the requests were for psychosocial support for patients and their families, mediation with agencies and services, information for social benefits and education issues related to MS. The Social Benefits Handbook for People with MS was also created and distributed to 300 patients, services as well as project information (leaflets and posters) addressed to the general population, employers and the education sector. In addition, television and radio spot was created to discriminate against MS sufferers and was screened in local media.
The advocacy Office contributed to the improvement of the accessibility of People with MS in health services and institutions, by signing protocols of cooperation with the Region of Western Greece, the Holy Metropolis of Patras and the Clinic Rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries at the University Hospital of Patras, as well as letters of cooperation to local agencies, organizations and NGOs, while strengthening the operation of the informal support network for households living on the edge of poverty.
Finally, during the Program, five workshops-scientific events were held to inform and raise public awareness, of which 2 in Agrinio and Pyrgos, covering the entire region of Western Greece. The total number of people who took benefit from the Program was 269.